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Unapproved Minutes 3/11/04
3/13/04                                                                 D R A F T  
Priorities Committee
Summary Meeting Notes
School Administration Building
March 11, 2004

Members in attendance:    School Com.   S. Liao, M. Blaustein
                                  Selectmen             N. Katz, J.Roach  
                                  Finance Com.       C. Goodman, D. Fixler

Also in attendance:             R. Uyttebroek, C. Jackson, B. Puritz, P. Pietal, C. Jackson, B. Dunham, D. Grasfield, D. Saperstein,
        S. Solomon, J. Furr, M. Mitlin, M.Mazur  

Meeting convened at 7:35 p.m.

1.      Minutes: I/29/04 – accepted unanimously

2.      Teen Center Funding

M. Mitlin was present, distributed materials, & presented a brief history of the Teen Center and its current programming.  The Teen Center is seeking funding of approximately $25K for the next two (2) years to offset the cessation of funding of the above amount from a generous benefactor received for the last three (3) years until they enter into an expected partnership with the Hockomock YMCA in Foxborough.  Committee members and audience comments were supportive of the services provided; however, questions were raised re the propriety of the Town providing funding to a private (e.g., “not for profit”) entity; the overall competition for scarce funding; and, the advisability of continued deliberation regarding this initial request.  It was suggested that the Recreation Department present a proposal relative to this matter, thereby, incorporating “Teen Center” resources within the structure of town governance.         

3.      Revenue Forecast

Reviewed/distributed “FY’05 Revenue Forecast”(3/11/04, 2:30 PM) revised to reflect updated “Free Cash” (certified), Norfolk County Retirement, Vocational Tuition, and Board of Assessors provided “New Growth”, “Overlay” and “Overlay Release” figures indicating an additional $729,092 or 1.98% (above prior 5% allocation for budget development purposes) potentially available for net operating budget distribution.  Also, reviewed/distributed “Revenue Forecast – Side by Side” (3/11/04, 6:36 PM) displaying changes (i.e., mathematical deltas) from prior Revenue Forecasts.  Brief discussion/materials distributed followed re Regional Dispatch cost/benefits and possible deferment of action until October 18th Special Town Meeting without jeopardy or additional cost consequences to the Town.  Extended conversation ensued re Assessors “Overlay” amounts in relation to sufficiency to fund senior exemptions.  It was noted that the number/value of exemptions granted was not reliant on the Overlay amount; that no one otherwise eligible will be denied; and that should the total authorized exemptions amounts exceed the Overlay (which has never occurred), that any deficit is then “raised” by the Assessors on page 2 of the “Re-Cap” sheet filed with the State.  M. Mazur indicated that the number of FY’04 exemptions filed increased from 20 to 41 and that for FY’05 the Assessors projected an increase to 50 participants and the doubling of the exemption maximum from $500 to $1000.  He further commented regarding this new program that his estimate for FY’04 predicting up to 330 participants based on age and census economic data was “wildly conservative” and, therefore, the Assessors had adjusted their FY’05 projections based on recent actual data experience.  With respect to Health Insurance funding contained in the Revenue Forecast, concern was expressed that the overall 9% Insurance Budget increase, specifically the 10% increase for Health Insurance, should be increased by 5% to 15% thereby increasing this budget between $200-250K in order to more rapidly reduce the approximately $400K shortfall in the Health Insurance Claims Trust.  With regard to the above subject J. Roach moved, seconded by S. Liao to “stay with the figure in the budget (Revenue Forecast)” Voted: Four (4) in favor, two (2) opposed (D. Fixler, C. Goodman).                                 

4.      Special Education

        B. Dunham briefed the Committee concerning changes to the “formula” & funding distribution and resulting FY’05 expected shortfall of $550K.  She noted that other suburban schools have been similarly adversely impacted and that the Schools “shut down spending” in FY’03 so as not to be in deficit due to the State not fulfilling its funding commitments.  C. Jackson noted that while Chapter 70 is projected to increase that the reduction in Special Education has actually caused an overall reduction in state aid.  She indicated that it is doubtful that the State will come forward with sufficient funds to offset the predicted $550K shortfall but should this miraculously happen that the Schools would “reimburse the Town” for aid received in excess of the predicted shortfall.  There appeared to be consensus that the above good faith understanding was preferable to placing said funding in a “Special” Stabilization fund for action at the upcoming October 18th Special Town Meeting.  Also, in relation to Special Education, a bulletin from the Department Of Revenue entitled “Costs for Special Education – FY’04 and later” dated March 5, 2004 was distributed for information.  M. Blaustein moved, seconded by S.Liao to “add $550K for Special Education to the Schools FY’05 budget allocation.”  Voted: Unanimously                  

6.      Ambulance & Firefighters Compensation Adjustment

        It was noted that estimates distributed at the prior meeting indicated a shortfall of $77K in Ambulance revenue.  Material was circulated showing that Sharon was last in both entry & top step Firefighters compensation in relation to comparable communities and that the differential from the “average” was approximately $50/wk x 20 firefighters annualized including sick leave and recall estimates, at the adjusted rates, computes to an underage of around $55K.  J. Roach moved, seconded by S. Liao to “add $77K to the Ambulance and $55K Fire Department budgets” (for the above purposes) Voted: Unanimously  


7.      Assessors – Property Measurement & Re-inspection

        Finance Committee requested action be deferred re this $33,108 item as it will attempt to absorb these costs within its budget sector.

8.      Follow-up from 1/29/04 meeting

        Schools budget history covering FY’s 94-04 re total appropriation and Town and State aid contribution was distributed.

9.      Re-cap re FY’05 Budget Allocations per Priorities Committee actions to date:

        Schools:        28,110,682      (not including SNARC)
        Selectmen:        7,398,221
        Fin Com:          1,225,354
        Total:            36,734,257
        “Available”:    36,781,350
        Balance:           $ 47,093
Meeting adjourned at 10:48 PM

Next Meeting
        Date To Be Established
School Administration Building, School Street, 7:30 PM

Preliminary Agenda: (Please contact Ben in advance to add/amend)

(1)     Minutes – 3/11/04 meeting

(2)     FY’05 Revenue Forecast Update

(3)     Consider pending supplemental funding requests:
                Recreation Department re Teen Center services
                Assessors Property Measurement
                Regional Dispatch

(4)     Stabilization Fund Type Reserve (continued discussion)

cc:     Board of Assessors
        Library Board of Trustees